An Open Letter to Donald Trump–10/2/2020
- Phoenix Congress 2020 represents members of the American Union, who are willing to vote for both Republicans and Democrats in the 471 federal races who will meet our terms, including Donald Trump. This is part of a series of open letters explaining our demands.
October 2nd, 2020
Dear President Trump,
Today the world received the troubling news that you and the first lady (along with members of your staff) tested positive for Covid-19. The Phoenix Congress wishes you, and all afflicted Americans, a speedy recovery. Unlike tens of millions of Americans, however, you are fortunate to have economic security, housing security, job security, and full coverage for all of your medical needs as you deal with the virus that has affected so many millions across the globe.
The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on many Americans for months now. It is impossible to quantify how much the virus has truly cost Americans–from job loss to school closures, lives lost and economic instability. To rebuild and restore our nation, Americans must band together under the banner of real solutions.
While the United States cannot legislate the coronavirus away — and Congress seems unable and unwilling to provide general relief except a $1200 check six months ago— there are policies that can be passed that will both relieve the burdens many Americans are now facing and create a secure path forward after the virus has slowed. Mr. President, today the Phoenix Congress released the Blueprint for a Better America, our crowd-sourced legislative package. Over the next two weeks, everyone can see our specific policies that are designed to benefit Americans right now and end poverty, end mass incarceration, and end the endless wars. These are shovel-ready solutions.
Under the Blueprint for a Better America, every American gets an American Union job, creating a new, diversified source of income for 300 million Americans. No president has ever created that many jobs before! Adults receive a universal basic income (UBI) of $1,300/month, with $433/month for children.
UBI creates a safety floor, lifting up the tens of millions of Americans who are currently in poverty. Of the tens of millions who have lost their jobs due to Covid-19, more than five million were stripped of health insurance as well. Our legislation creates a public option; just as UBI diversifies income streams, a public option diversifies the options Americans have for obtaining health insurance. Rather than being tied to traditional employment, the public option is attached to everyone’s American Union job.
UBI does not solve all of America’s issues, but when 30 million people reported food insecurity in July, something is clearly wrong in the richest country in history. We can afford to make sure its citizens have their basic needs met in 2020, and because we have that choice, we have a moral duty to act.
Mr. President, the coronavirus has hit the prison population particularly hard over the last several months. The conditions inside of America’s prisons are breeding grounds for an airborne virus like Covid-19. As you know, the U.S. prison system is populated by many Americans because of the war on drugs, a failed struggle which has only succeeded at decimating minority and impoverished communities.
The Blueprint for a Better America ends mass incarceration through a series of policy changes — sentence reform and review — while also promoting a cultural shift in America’s approach to criminal justice. Mandatory minimums are ended, along with the war on drugs. While recreational drug use should not be encouraged, neither should it be penalized with criminal sanction. Those who buy drugs should have the benefit of regulation for their safety, and pay a 12% tax to compensate society for the costs of abuse; funds which can be used to provide treatment for all who want or need it.
Mr. President, the release of the Blueprint for a Better America is timed for Gandhi’s birthday, October 2nd. You visited his ashram — the voluntary community where he spurred the conscience of millions — back in February of this year. You have seen the evidence of his peace work and the legacy he left behind.
In honor of Gandhi, and the work he did, the Phoenix Congress invites you, and every American, to join a fast for peace on October 15th.
The Blueprint for a Better America is the legislation America needs to step into the coming decades as a more fair, just, and prosperous nation. The Blueprint is ready; and the only question is, will you build it?
Respectfully yours,
Other articles on Medium:
Series of open letters to Trump: Listed on our website
A call to action around Martin Luther King, Jr.’s triple evils: The Marginalized Must Unionize in 2020
A look at our duties as Americans and the legislation they inspire; The Blueprint for a Better America