An Open Letter to Donald Trump–10/9/2020
- Phoenix Congress 2020 represents members of the American Union, who are willing to vote for both Republicans and Democrats in the 471 federal races who will meet our terms, including Donald Trump. This is part of a series of open letters explaining our demands.
October 9th, 2020
Dear President Trump,
The Phoenix Congress has provided you with an outline of the Blueprint for a Better America, and the terms of the deal presented to you as the incumbent candidate for President in 2020. This legislation is supported by the American Union–a bipartisan union of voters who want to see America enter a new era of prosperity, equity, and justice.
You may notice that one of the anchor provisions in this bill is universal basic income (UBI). UBI has grown in popularity this election cycle–thanks in part to Andrew Yang’s Democratic primary campaign, but also because of the stimulus checks sent to Americans several months ago to offset the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
Mr. President, due to the nature of the current political discourse, UBI has been associated with socialism and the far left. According to a recent poll, 80% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents oppose UBI. It would be a political risk for you to support this legislation, but this letter is meant to address the key objections to UBI from Republican voters while highlighting the reasons Republicans should support it.
Objection 1: UBI is another government handout.
A common misconception about UBI is that it is a government handout similar to current welfare programs that will cause dependence on the federal government for survival. However, UBI is universal, not means-tested, and therefore accomplishes the opposite. UBI is a free and clear cash payment with no bureaucracy, no restrictions on use, and no questions asked. UBI is used to raise the standard of living and give Americans more freedom in their own lives–the freedom for a father to reject a low-wage job he is only considering out of necessity, the freedom for a single mother to be home with her children rather than taking a second job to make ends meet. With UBI Americans will have a safety net of economic power that gives them the flexibility to improve their own lives.
UBI also allows the economy to recognize the economic value of work that is currently valued at $0: stay-at-home parents, caretakers, etc. Raising children is beneficial to society, but it is also necessary for a society to function properly. With UBI more families will be able to put energy and resources into raising their children, which will result in a more well-functioning society. Think about the coronavirus pandemic as a real-world example. Parents around the country are struggling to balance their income-earning jobs with the need to stay home with kids because of school closures. On top of this, parents are taking on the role of tutor as their teachers are limited to virtual learning. This is valuable work for society and UBI recognizes this value as essential.
Objection 2: UBI promotes laziness.
Republicans tend to value the idea of working hard to earn what one has. Naturally, the proposal to receive a cash payment from the government raises red flags. Won’t UBI encourage Americans to be lazy and not work? Not at all. Studies actually show that UBI does not reduce work in any way. UBI does give Americans the freedom to forgo jobs they don’t want and the economic security to be patient for a job they truly desire.
However, the UBI included in the Blueprint for a Better America is $1,300 per month. That amount is not enough to do much beyond cover the basic human needs. Americans could theoretically choose to live this way, but most share an innate desire to strive for better; and they will.
Objection 3: UBI will raise my taxes.
Mr. President, the biggest question for universal basic income is, how will it be funded? The Blueprint for a Better America UBI is funded by a 15% value-added tax (VAT). VATs are currently used in 160/193 countries, including all of the “developed” world besides the United States. But what is a value-added tax?
The Blueprint for a Better America uses a subtraction-method VAT. Subtraction-method VAT means that companies pay tax on the value difference between their sales and their purchases from other businesses.
Under the Blueprint for a Better America, the 15% VAT funds UBI which means the tax hike many people are afraid of would not come.
As you can see, Mr. President, the common objections to UBI are based on flawed premises. However, that is not to suggest Republicans should only support UBI because their objections can be answered. There are also reasons, mentioned above briefly, why Republicans should support UBI because it promotes conservative values.
Reason 1: UBI eliminates the leading factor in the decision to get an abortion.
According to almost every study, the leading factor in the decision to get an abortion is economic insecurity–almost 70% of women who get abortions cite economic insecurity. The specifics may differ: families are barely able to support themselves, single mothers will lose their only means to provide for their current children, etc, but they all boil down to a lack of economic security. UBI removes that factor in the decision which could potentially cut the abortion rate in half (or more) immediately. Republicans have long held pro-life stances as a primary pillar of their platform. UBI supports that platform.
Reason 2: UBI decreases the federal government’s reach and increases entrepreneurship.
Under the current system, the federal government controls what can and cannot be done with government assistance. UBI limits the federal government’s reach into the private affairs of Americans because it is a cash payment that Americans can use for any purpose they deem fit. UBI offers individual liberty, not just from the federal government but from any economic pressures that drive Americans into decisions they wouldn’t otherwise make: dead-end jobs, abortions, denying themselves medical care, renting instead of owning property, etc.
At the same time, the safety floor offered by UBI encourages Americans to take entrepreneurial risks without having to sacrifice their ability to provide their family’s basic needs.
Reason 3: UBI puts economic power into the hands of common, working-class Americans.
A core value of the GOP is the free market and the ways consumer demand drives innovation. With UBI, every day Americans would have more economic power while maintaining an economic safety net. This safety net would allow more families to have one parent stay home to raise their children, allow more families to choose private education if they desire it for their children, or give families the freedom to purchase a home rather than rent from a landlord. UBI gives the common Americans the power to make decisions for themselves.
Mr. President, the 2020 election will define the American social contract for the next several generations. The Blueprint for a Better America offers a path forward to a more prosperous, equitable, and just future. To show your support the Phoenix Congress invites you and every American to join us in a fast for peace on October 15th. Sacrificing food for 24 hours is a symbol of a willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. Will you join us?
Respectfully yours,
Other articles on Medium:
Series of open letters to Trump: Listed on our website
A call to action around Martin Luther King, Jr.’s triple evils: The Marginalized Must Unionize in 2020
A look at our duties as Americans and the legislation they inspire; The Blueprint for a Better America