The Phoenix Congress Stands in Recess
We had a Blueprint for a Better America. A legislative package to end poverty, mass incarceration, and the endless wars. Would Donald Trump would meet the terms of the American Union of voters?
On October 15th, we engaged in a fast of moral pressure. Hundreds of letters had gone out to candidates for public office, spelling out the details of the legislative proposal. A series of open letters to the President explained why it was worthy of his support. Trump refused. Rather than engage in the Art of the Deal, he went his own way, and lost reelection.
But the real loss was by the American people. 40 million Americans are still in poverty, and a wave of foreclosures and evictions threatens to come crashing down on our economy. Two million Americans still wake up behind bars each day, including Reality Winner. And although Trump, to his credit, has continued to draw down troops in the Middle East, the endless wars have not ended.
We could have had a better ending for 2020.
On January 15, 2021, the next session of the Phoenix Congress will open.