There’s a way to model better behavior, peacefully act in solidarity, and demand political change. It’s the same one that Gandhi used 100 years ago to unite his countrymen — national days of fasting. Together, we can address MLK’s triple evils of poverty, racism, and militarism in 2020.
On June 15, you’re invited to join men and women from around the country in a fast for peace — no food, just water for any 24 hours. (Gandhi recommended a dinner-to-dinner fast.) This is a monthly fast of moral pressure on candidates for office, from Congress up to President, to enact a specific legislative package that will end poverty, end mass incarceration, and end the endless wars.
We’re unionizing to demand a better social contract for the 21st century, and will only elect Republicans and Democrats who signify they will enact our legislation by joining our fast on Thursday, October 15. Who will go all in on building a better America?