We the People Are Against Foreign Wars. Here’s How We End Them

Phoenix Congress
4 min readDec 28, 2020


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

America has spent $6 trillion on foreign wars over the last two decades. Over the same two decades, this has happened at home:

  • Healthcare and education costs have risen by over 50%
  • Housing costs have gone up by 30%
  • The American people suffered an economic recession leaving 1 in 9 homes empty
  • Our cities have been destroyed by fires, floods, and hurricanes
  • A virus swept through the nation, bringing death and poverty to the homes of millions
  • American infrastructure is crumbling
  • American wages are stagnant

Why are we spending so much overseas when there is so much work to be done at home?

The cycle that perpetuates war for profit must end. There are no winners. And in the case of America’s wars of the last generation, from Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan, the losers have been the American people and the American boots that are shipped off to die.

The People Have Spoken: End the Endless Wars and Bring our Troops Home

It’s time to shut down the perpetual war machine, bring our soldiers back home, and use our tax dollars to build a better America.

The Blueprint for a Better America, a ready-to-pass legislation package supported by The American Union, would end the endless wars and restore our military to its original purpose — defending our nation.

Here is how The Blueprint will end the endless wars and restore our nation’s Constitutionally-mandated defenses.

Bring our Soldiers Home

Our soldiers are currently engaged in 6 different overseas conflicts.

Since 9/11, about 7,000 U.S. soldiers have lost their lives overseas and over 50,000 have been wounded.

Since 9/11, over 114,000 veterans have taken their own lives.

Since 9/11, there has been just 1 foreign attack on US soil, costing three lives. The attack was perpetrated by a foreign student at the Naval Aviation School. This terrorist was only able to take the lives of American soldiers because the military brought him to America.

Our government does not value the lives of our troops. They value military engagement that secures profitable resources. This is an unconstitutional reason for risking American lives.

The Blueprint will end American intervention in foreign engagements by repealing the AUMF (Authorization for Use of Military Force), which gives Congress the right to engage in any military conflict that they can associate with the vague notion of “terrorism.”

It will also reduce the number of US military bases abroad. The US currently has 10 times more bases than any other country. It’s time to bring those troops home.

Reduce Military Spending

In 2003, at the height of the Iraq War, the US military budget was about $415 billion.

Just weeks ago, Congress passed a 2020 military budget of $740 billion.

Factoring in inflation, even if we were engaged in a major Iraq-style military invasion in 2020, the budget should still be about $580 billion.

Why are we spending more and more US tax dollars every year on military conflicts?

It’s not to protect our troops. Our soldiers are paid wages below the poverty line. And they are equipped with poor protective gear and firearms.

Until recently, standard-issue boots for our soldiers were so uncomfortable and painful that soldiers were forced to buy their own replacements.

The military budget has skyrocketed, yet the military won’t even provide soldiers with a basic living wage or protective gear.

Instead, we give massive military contracts to private companies, and much of this money goes immediately to shareholders.

This cycle must end. The Blueprint will reduce military spending by 10% each year until we reach 2004 spending levels — if it’s more than enough to manage a massive overseas invasion, it will be enough to defend our nation and protect our troops.

Set a Standard for Global Leadership

America used to be a shining example of global leadership. We had the respect of countries around the world that tried to live up to our image.

But over the last 20 years, that has changed.

  • America has invaded countries without just cause
  • We have introduced “interrogation” tactics that are defined as torture under the Geneva Convention
  • We have opened prisons like Guantanamo Bay for the sole purpose of NOT adhering to the Constitution
  • We drop bombs on journalists, hospitals, and civilians
  • We punish whistleblowers for revealing that our leaders are breaking US law

Nations are no longer looking at America as a beacon of peace and justice. But we can change this.

The Blueprint will end the use of deadly sanctions that punish civilians for the actions of politicians.

It will close Guantanamo Bay and force military leaders who represent our nation to live by the Constitution as long as they serve under our flag.

It will ban cruel weapons such as landmines and autonomous weapons, and it will reduce our nuclear stockpile.

Finally, it will end reprisal for whistleblowers who expose injustice within the military.

Join The American Union and End the Endless Wars

Ending the wars and reducing the budget are not radical ideas. They are supported by most Americans who want to see their tax dollars build a better America at home. They are supported by families who wish their loved ones, deployed or lost, could be with them for Christmas. And they are supported by Americans who believe in a return to Constitutional values.

The American Union supports the passage of the Blueprint for a Better America.

As a non-partisan block of swing voters, we can use our votes as leverage to force our leaders to act. We will deliver the block of votes they need to keep their jobs in exchange for passing the Blueprint into law.

With your help, we can end the endless wars.

Stay informed by subscribing to the American Union newsletter. Or, join our cause by telling your family and friends about The Blueprint for a Better America and making a donation.

Learn more at anamericanunion.com.



Phoenix Congress
Phoenix Congress

Written by Phoenix Congress

Challenging the duopoly with crowdsourced legislative solutions since 2019.

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